5 Keys to achieving 5x ROI on your Health and Wellbeing Program

Written by
Ivan Pierce
March 8, 2024

Investing in a health and wellbeing program can yield substantial benefits, but achieving a 5x ROI requires a strategic approach. We know because we achieved it in a Financial Services business with 2,000 employees… and won 3 x Australian HR Awards for Best Health and Wellbeing Program along the way.

So, if you want to improve key metrics like employee turnover, absenteeism and engagement, here are five keys that you should focus on to maximise the impact and benefits of your program.

1. Regular Activities

Consistency is crucial for the success of any health and wellbeing program. Regular activities not only keep employees engaged but also help in establishing the healthy habits that lead to improved outcomes.  Consider scheduling weekly fitness classes, monthly wellness activities, and quarterly health screenings. These activities should be varied and inclusive, catering to different fitness levels and interests. By providing a consistent schedule, employees can plan their participation and look forward to these activities, thereby increasing overall engagement and long-term commitment to their health.

2. Breadth of Offerings

A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works when it comes to health and wellbeing. A successful program offers a wide range of activities and resources to address the diverse needs of your workforce. This can include mental health support, nutritional counselling, physical fitness programs, and stress management workshops. If you’re not sure what to offer, ask your people.  They will have plenty of ideas and this is a great way for them to take some ownership of the program.  Additionally, offering flexible options such as on-site, virtual, and hybrid activities can accommodate different work schedules and personal preferences. By catering to a broad spectrum of needs, you ensure that every employee can find something beneficial, which maximizes participation and related results.  

3. Leader Buy-In

The support of leadership is vital for the success of health and wellbeing programs. Leaders set the tone for the organisation, and their buy-in can significantly influence employee participation. Encourage leaders to actively participate in the programs and to promote them within their teams. This can be done through regular communications, sharing personal testimonials, and even leading by example by attending events or participating in challenges. Why not make it fun for your leaders by offering them some random prizes for attending.  When employees see that their leaders prioritise health and wellbeing, they are more likely to follow suit, fostering a culture of wellness throughout the organisation.

4. Marketing and Promotion

Effective marketing and promotion are essential to ensure that employees are aware of and engaged with the health and wellbeing program. Remember, only the people who participate will get any benefit from the program.  So, if you want to improve key metrics like employee turnover, absenteeism and engagement you’ve got to find a way to entice people to participate. 

Use multiple communication channels such as email, intranet, social media, and posters around the office to regularly promote upcoming activities and highlight the benefits of participation… and for goodness’ sake, make it sound fun! Creating a dedicated wellbeing brand within your organisation can also help in making the program more recognisable and appealing. Consider featuring success stories and testimonials from employees who have benefited from the program to inspire others. An ongoing promotional strategy keeps the program top of mind and encourages sustained engagement.

5. Measurement and Analysis

To truly understand the impact of your health and wellbeing program and to prove you have achieved a return on investment, it’s essential to measure and analyse its effectiveness. Establish clear metrics from the outset, such as participation rates, employee engagement, health outcomes, and productivity improvements. Regularly collect and analyse data to assess what’s working and where there’s room for improvement. Including scrapping activities that are poorly attended and trying different offerings. Use surveys, health assessments, and feedback forms to gather qualitative and quantitative data. This ongoing evaluation will help you make informed decisions, adjust strategies as needed, and demonstrate the program’s value to stakeholders.


Achieving a 5x ROI on your health and wellbeing program is possible with a strategic approach that includes regular activities, a breadth of offerings, leader buy-in, effective marketing, and continuous measurement and analysis. By focusing on these five keys, senior HR leaders can create a robust program that not only improves employee health and wellbeing but also drives significant returns for the organisation.