3 Mistakes You’re Probably Making with Employee Purpose

Written by
Ryan McGrory
August 4, 2022

It has become common for employees to feel disconnected from the broader mission of their organisation. The truth is, when people can’t see how their roles contribute to the bigger picture, their engagement and satisfaction can take a hit. 

If you’ve ever felt like a small cog in a large machine, you’re not alone.

From the dawn of factory work to modern offices, the challenge of connecting individual efforts to organisational success has persisted.

Imagine a factory worker who assembles parts for a car. If they can’t see how their contributions fit into the final product, they might struggle to feel a sense of accomplishment or pride in their work.

So, how can we bridge this gap? The answer lies in helping employees understand and see the significance of their roles. Here’s why this matters and how you can make it happen.

The Challenge: Disconnection Between Role and Impact

Many organisations have invested in recognition platforms to address this issue, hoping that technology alone will solve the problem.

While recognition is important, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. The key to genuine employee engagement lies in more meaningful actions.

The Solution: Making the Connection

  1. Share the Bigger Picture
    Start by communicating the company’s mission and goals clearly. Help your team understand how their daily tasks contribute to these overarching objectives. When employees see how their work supports the company's mission, they’re more likely to feel a sense of purpose and ownership.
  2. Celebrate Achievements
    Recognise and celebrate both individual and team accomplishments. Highlight how these achievements align with the organization’s success. This not only boosts morale but also reinforces the connection between effort and outcome.
  3. Connect Daily Tasks to Success
    Regularly connect employees' daily activities to the company’s overall success. When people can see the direct impact of their work on the organization’s goals, they’re more likely to be motivated and engaged.

The Benefits: Engagement and Results

When employees understand and appreciate the significance of their roles, they often experience higher levels of engagement and satisfaction. This connection not only fosters a positive work environment but also drives better business results.

In conclusion, helping employees see the purpose in their roles isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a crucial component of fostering a motivated and productive workforce. By taking steps to bridge the gap between daily tasks and organisational success, you can create a more engaged, satisfied, and effective team.

At Exsona, we’re passionate about supporting organisations in making these meaningful connections.

If you’re looking to enhance your workplace wellbeing strategy and boost employee engagement, we’d love to help. Feel free to reach out for a free consultation and explore how we can support your goals.